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Pourvoirie Côte-Nord

What sets us apart from salmon outfitters only: it’s a paradise of salmonids on the Lower North Shore! It’s a unique place given the variety of catches and formats. In addition, at any time you will have the opportunity to catch your record fish and we encourage you to release 20 inches (50.8 cm) fish and overall species combined * with the exception of salmon where the limit allowed is 60 cm and under because they are usually the best spawners.

The catch and release fishing will be numerous given the fish-bearing waters in our immense territory and without fishing pressure since the existence of the outfitter (there are only native fish). In order to maintain the high fishing success rate, on two lakes alternating every two years (small lakes only), only the catch and release will be allowed to ensure quality fishing for the future.

If you do not have fishing gear, no worries! We can lend you all the necessary equipment under certain conditions.

To access the chain of lakes (7), there are small portages arranged in a trail to 15-20 minutes of a walk between each lake. The Lake Musquanousse (the lake of the head) is the most imposing of all, with this 40 km wide, the picturesque landscapes are breathtaking to get there. The other lakes average 10-15 km in circumference.
